
Your body is the most powerful instrument Divine Source has for making manifest its evolution and GLORY on the earth plane and your presence on this planet comes with Divine Purpose. It is impossible to correctly carry out that Divine Purpose if your body is not able to fully express itself through the measures necessary to do so.

Every human body has a unique design and specific requirements which, when followed, allow for perfect expression of your personal Divine Purpose.

In this day and age of media onslaught it’s incredibly easy to get off track and completely become alien to our own personal rhythms and the specific requirements of our physical design. We are bombarded by social pressure and deep conditioning to eat and buy products that have nothing to do with our personal well-being or health. We are seduced into believing our beauty and worthiness are determined by unrealistic and absurd standards. This creates disharmony with our bodies and the Divine Purpose for which they are intended.

It is incredibly important to identify your personal perfect state of health, and what it takes to maintain that. For most folks it’s not about intense physical training, and dietary deprivation. In fact, that is generally never the right course for most human bodies.

It’s more about identifying your body’s unique requirements and creating a sustainable lifestyle that includes the right amount and types of rest, exercise, ratios of fat/protein/carbs etc., breathing and moving correctly for stability and healing of any past issues as well as prevention of future issues. And mostly, about learning how to be constantly, consciously aware of the signals your body broadcasts to direct you away from media conditioning towards Divine direction.

Although all human bodies are similar in design, there are cellular differences that manifest in myriad, subtle process such as metabolism, growth rate, neural-functioning, etc. Some are the result of genetics while others are due to environmental factors, and although most can be influenced by lifestyle (for better or worse), no single method works exactly the same for every body. This is why some issues seem untreatable or some people feel like they have failed at fixing something. Usually the method they are employing is not tailored to their unique system requirements. Often with enough trial and error the more tenacious souls will find the right method(s) for maintaining their personal perfect health.

The Body Scan Bliss Diamond.GURU offers is a much faster approach. Using her exceptional Intuitive abilities she can determine both the issues and the instruction for better bodily health and fitness.*  Please check the Soul Services section of this website for more information about the body scan or others products that might be useful for your physical healing or fitness journey

*Important Note: The information presented in this website, or the services offered herein, are not intended to diagnose health problems or to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your doctor or health care professional.