Spiritual Living Retreat

Learn how to transform your daily living from a mundane grind to a peaceful process of productive, blissful living.

Three blissful days in the Colorado Rockies.

Accommodations include HOUSING, ALL MEALS and access to MINERAL HOT SPRINGS, as well as comprehensive hands on  (group and individual) instruction and/or personal pampering sessions in the following:


Healthy Cooking, Food Prep and Storage


Detoxification of Mind, Body and Soul

Kundalini Awakening

Flow/ Time Management

Body Scanning


Self and Partner Massage Techniques

Primal Access

Past Life Exploration

Spiritual Mapping

Relationship Coaching

Proper Prayer/Meditation techniques for Reaching Source

Attunment and Connecting with Spirit Guides

Drumming and Dance

Grief Work

Trauma Release

Intuitive Development

Peaceful Parenting Practices for Maintaining Power and Intimacy, as well as Avoiding Burn Out.



Mountain Biking, Hiking, Zip Lining, White Water Rafting are available at extra cost.