Fitness and Training for the mind is not something most of us ever think about or consider- (at least for ourselves), unless something is really out of kilter. We generally do not question our own minds or the force through which it drives our every action, belief, desire, interactions, and ultimately the overall climate of our lives.
Instead we project. All humans do it. We project out into the world around us through the lens of our psyche. Colored and cracked, this lens zooms in and out according to our personal priorities and focus. It reflects back to us our personal view and defines our personal experience of life. We generally see this reflection as the way life actually “IS” instead of recognizing that it is merely a reflection of our beliefs, the stuff of our own minds. Something that CAN be changed, simply, from within, without the struggle.
You’ve heard it before, “Thoughts are things.”, “Change your mind, Change your life.” And maybe you have tried to change your mind, only to find your life resisting the change and intruding on the plan with all its “daily living” demands. Maybe it seems like life “out there” has the upper hand and your mind changing attempts produced more frustration than measurable results.
This is usually nothing more than lack of Mind Fitness, which can be easily overcome with Mind Training. Mental Fitness Training is similar to Physical Fitness training. It’s just different to define and track. There is no scale to step naked upon each morning with which to “weigh” your mindset; no calories to count in an attempt to reduce the extra pounds that are weighing down your thoughts and keeping you from the freedom of movement and choice you so desire and deserve. But there are methods that can be easily employed to both train, and track the training of your mind.
If you have tried any or many systems for Mind Fitness, Mind Control, Manifestation, etc., with little or no results, it is most likely that the system either didn’t engage your psyche correctly and/or it contained elements that were so challenging to your mindset that your psyche flat out rejected the entire process and did not allow for the necessary shifts.
Bliss Diamond offers a variety of general Mind Fitness and Training products as well as PERSONALIZED plans, specific to your issues and goals. Designed specifically for you. Please see the Soul Services section of this website for the Mind Fitness and Training programs that are best for you.